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How A Virtual Assistant Can Help You With Continuous Learning And Development


Barnaby Lashbrooke

Founder and CEO of Time etc, author of The Hard Work Myth

9 minute read

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The long-term success of a business hinges not only on its initial strategies but also on its ability to adapt. This is where the importance of continuous learning and development comes into play.

The marketplace is constantly evolving, with new technologies, strategies, and consumer expectations emerging at a rapid pace. Without a solid commitment to personal and professional growth, business owners risk falling behind their competitors.

However, dedicating time to these tasks is often easier said than done, especially when you’re juggling the day-to-day responsibilities of running a business. This is where a virtual assistant (VA) can be a truly valuable asset.

They can take on a range of tasks to streamline your learning and development processes. From researching the latest industry trends to organizing training schedules and curating learning resources, virtual assistants can help make sure you and your business are constantly growing—without the administrative headache.

What is a virtual assistant?

Similar to a traditional assistant, a virtual assistant can play a pivotal role in supporting professionals by taking on a range of back-office administrative tasks that keep everything running smoothly.

From scheduling meetings and answering emails to handling customer inquiries and organizing files, a VA can help you significantly streamline your workload, giving you more time to focus on the bigger picture and the things that matter most to you.

The big difference is that virtual assistants work remotely and on an independent basis. As a business owner, this means you can get the help you need without the overhead costs and commitment that comes with hiring a full-time employee. You don't need to worry about providing office space, equipment, and employee benefits, and you only pay for the productive time they spend on your tasks, right down to the minute.

In total, hiring a virtual assistant can be up to 90% more cost-effective than hiring full-time, in-house staff.


How can a virtual assistant support your continuous learning and development?

According to Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, “In business, what’s dangerous is not to evolve.” And what better way to adapt and evolve than through continuous learning and development? Learning new skills and acquiring knowledge can enhance your decision-making abilities and overall business strategy.

However, finding time for personal growth can be challenging amidst your daily responsibilities. Let’s explore how a virtual assistant can support your learning and development efforts, making it easier for you to evolve and succeed:

Research and resource compilation

Thanks to the internet, we can now find endless knowledge and advice right at our fingertips. According to neuroscientist and cognitive psychologist Daniel Levitin, we’ve created more information in the last ten years than in all of human history before that!

So, this 'Information Age' is arguably the best time to be alive for those of us wanting to expand our horizons, learn new skills, or feed our appetite for knowledge. On the other hand, diving into this vast sea of information can be pretty overwhelming. With so much content and so many options available, where do you even begin?

This is where virtual assistants can really help. They can sort through all the information out there and find the best articles, online courses, and materials just for you, saving you hours of searching and deciding what's worth your time.

Whether you want to learn new marketing tricks, understand the latest new tools and emerging technologies, or boost your leadership skills, your virtual assistant can help make sure you always have access to the most valuable and up-to-date information.


With so much on your plate as a business owner, keeping up with your hectic schedule can be tough enough as it is—let alone when you need to find time for your learning and development journey.

From scheduling meetings to confirming attendance and making adjustments, virtual assistants can handle it all for you.

They can seamlessly organize your training sessions, webinars, and educational events, fitting them perfectly into your calendar. You won’t have to stress about dates or double-booking anymore, your assistant can help make sure every learning opportunity aligns smoothly with your busy life.

Your virtual assistant can also coordinate with instructors, set up group learning sessions, or arrange one-on-one coaching tailored just for you. They manage all the logistics, so you can focus entirely on your learning journey. Plus, they’re great at follow-ups! Your virtual assistant can gently remind you about assignments or deadlines, keeping you on track with your learning goals.


Administrative support

Remember the last time you registered for an online course or seminar? It probably involved filling out forms, making payments, and keeping track of confirmation emails. Managing this administrative side of learning can take up valuable time that you'd rather spend learning or focusing on your business.

That’s where a virtual assistant comes in—they can take care of all that! From registering for courses to signing up for seminars, they’ve got it covered.

They handle the paperwork, manage payments, and organize everything so you have all the details in one place. When it comes to making sure you're signed up for the right courses, your assistant can check the requirements and deadlines, so nothing gets missed.

They can also take care of the logistics, sending you all the event information and reminders you need. With this support, your learning process becomes smoother, letting you focus on what really matters.

Content creation and management

Creating engaging training materials can make a big difference in your learning experience, and virtual assistants can make this process much easier. They can help you design presentations, develop training modules, and even manage a digital library, all while making sure your materials are professional and effective.

Think about the time it takes to create quality learning materials. Your virtual assistant can handle this for you, crafting presentations that not only look great but also present information in a clear and engaging way. They’ll follow your guidelines to make sure the content fits your needs and goals.

But it doesn’t stop there—your virtual assistant can also organize these resources for you. Need to revisit an old training session or find a specific document? They’ll make sure everything is neatly stored and easy to find.

They can set up and maintain a digital library, categorizing materials so you can quickly access whatever you need, whenever you need it. Whether it’s setting up cloud storage or creating an easy-to-use system, your VA can make sure everything is up-to-date and ready when you are.

Data management and reporting

Keeping track of your learning progress can really boost your development. A virtual assistant can handle this for you, keeping records of your completed training and creating detailed reports on what you’ve learned.

With this organized approach, you’ll have a clear view of your achievements and areas where you can improve. Your reports will be easily accessible, showing how well you’re applying your new skills.

This means all your learning activities are neatly recorded and easy to find, whether it’s a webinar from six months ago or a series of leadership workshops. This keeps you on track with your development goals and makes it simple to revisit past content for a refresher or continued learning.


What are the benefits of hiring a virtual assistant for continuous learning and development?

Here are the benefits of working with a virtual assistant in your learning journey:

By delegating routine tasks to a virtual assistant, entrepreneurs can focus on strategic aspects to elevate their own business.

Saving time

When you delegate the time-consuming administrative tasks associated with managing your personal or professional development, you free up more space in your day to engage directly with the content.

This could mean diving deeper into a new book, participating in an additional webinar, or simply having the time to reflect on and apply what you've learned.

With a VA, you don’t have to worry about the nuts and bolts of scheduling, registration, or tracking progress. Your virtual assistant handles these details. They free you to focus solely on absorbing knowledge and honing your new skills.

Enhanced focus

When you don't have to worry about the logistics of organizing and managing your learning activities, you can fully focus on what really matters: learning. Without the distractions of scheduling webinars or finding resources, you can dive into new knowledge and skills with a clear mind.

Your virtual assistant can take care of the details, making sure everything is set up so you can succeed. This frees you up to really engage with the material, think deeply about it, and apply what you learn to your work.

With fewer interruptions, your study time becomes more productive, helping you understand complex topics better and retain them more effectively.

Improved organization

Virtual assistants can help streamline your continuous learning processes through careful scheduling and effective resource management, so there’s no last-minute stress or missed details.

Your virtual assistant makes sure your learning plan fits perfectly with your work commitments, so you never miss a webinar or workshop due to double-bookings or lost links.

Plus, with your virtual assistant managing all your resources—like articles, videos, and courses—you’ll always have what you need at your fingertips, without wasting time searching.

When everything is set up for you, it’s easy to switch between work and learning without any hassle. This level of organization makes learning more enjoyable and takes the pressure off, letting you focus on what really matters.


What's the bottom line?

Continuous learning and development are key to staying ahead as a small business owner. It helps you adapt, grow, and remain competitive in your industry. But let's be honest, it can be pretty time-consuming and distracting to keep on top of it all.

But the good news is you don't have to neglect your personal and professional growth just because you're swamped with other responsibilities. You also don't have to make things tougher for yourself by cramming more tasks into your already-packed schedule.

Having the right support makes all the difference.

With a virtual assistant handling everything, from finding the best online courses and learning materials to keeping all your learning commitments organized in your schedule, you free up valuable time and mental space to focus on what truly matters: growing your skills and your business.

So, if you're ready to embrace continuous learning with the help of a VA, Time etc is here for you.

Ready to get started?

Speak to our expert team, and we'll handle the rest! We know how important your time and resources are, so you can rest assured that you'll save between three to six weeks of recruiting an assistant yourself, plus up to 90% of the cost of hiring in-house!

We’re ready to set you up with a professional assistant based on the skills and experience you need, so get in touch today.

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About the author

Barnaby Lashbrooke is the founder and CEO of Virtual Assistant service Time etc as well as the author of The Hard Work Myth, recently recommended by Sir Richard Branson. Barnaby is a Forbes Columnist on productivity and is also an accomplished entrepreneur, selling more than $35 million worth of services.

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