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10 Unconventional Stress-Relief Hacks Every Business Owner Should Try


Barnaby Lashbrooke

Founder and CEO of Time etc, author of The Hard Work Myth

10 minute read

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Stress doesn’t discriminate. No matter your background or job title, it’s something we all face at some point. But for small business owners, stress often comes with a special intensity.

You're not just battling a never-ending to-do list; you’ve also got the highs and lows of decision-making, grappling with financial uncertainties, and feeling the pressure to keep up in a competitive landscape. It's no wonder 45% of entrepreneurs report feeling stressed, compared to 42% of other workers.

We may not be able to completely eliminate it from our lives, but finding healthy ways to manage stress effectively can make a huge difference to the way we work and how we feel each day.

You've probably heard about the usual methods for keeping your cool—exercise, meditation, maybe some yoga. And while those are fantastic ways to unwind, let’s be honest, they’re not always doable when you're knee-deep in meetings, deadlines, and decision-making.

So, instead of defaulting to the same old suggestions, keep reading to discover ten unconventional ways to take control of your stress levels and keep your day running smoothly.

10 unconventional ways to reduce stress (that actually work!)

Whether you need to calm your nerves before a big meeting, keep a clear head before putting out a fire, or simply find a moment of peace amid the chaos of a busy day, these science-backed methods could be just what you need to show stress the door.

1. Yawning

Yawning might seem like an odd way to relieve stress, but it’s surprisingly effective!Researchers at Loyola Marymount University found that yawning helps calm hyperactivity in the brain's frontal lobe, which is the part that handles decision-making and problem-solving. When this area gets overloaded, it can leave you feeling stressed and a bit frazzled.

A good yawn can slow things down and help you reset. Yawning signals your brain to slow down and breathe, helping you feel more centered and focused. This tiny trick helps reset your mind when things feel chaotic, giving you a quick break without interrupting your workflow.

Pair your yawning with slow stretching and gentle stroking of your arms and hands to make it even more effective. This combination sends signals to your brain to relax, guiding you into a calmer state in just 60 seconds or less. It’s a quick, easy way to shake off tension without stepping away from your desk.


2. Moving your eyes

Research shows thateye movement is directly connected to your thought patterns. When stress takes over, our brains go into "sharp vision" mode, intensely focusing on whatever’s causing it.

We have our early ancestors to thank for this. If they saw a wild animal about to attack them, being able to hone in on this threat would give them a much better chance of survival.

Luckily for us, it's much more likely to be a tight deadline, a big presentation, or an important decision that's causing us to stress out. But while the world has certainly changed a lot since the days of our ancestors, our brain’s response to these "threats" has not.

So, the best way to solve a prehistoric stress response is with a prehistoric solution.

Back in the day, scanning the horizon is what helped our ancestors spot potential dangers and feel more in control. Now, focusing on the farthest point in a room can have a similar calming effect.

Shifting your gaze to a distant point—whether it’s out a window or across the room—helps pull your brain away from the intense focus. It reduces your tunnel vision, letting your mind relax and giving you a quick break from stress.

3. Power posing

Did you know that the way you carry yourself can actually influence your brain chemistry and how well you perform? Paying attention to your posture can make a real difference in helping you feel more confident when it matters most.

One fun technique to try is "power posing." This involves striking a confident stance, even if you're not feeling it in the moment. It might feel a little silly at first, but you’ll be surprised how quickly it shifts your mindset. Research shows thatholding a power pose for just two minutes can increase testosterone (which makes you feel more assertive) and lower cortisol in your body, helping you feel more in control, calm, and ready to tackle whatever’s on your plate.

One of the easiest power poses to try isthe Superman or Superwoman pose. Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart, place your hands on your hips, lift your chest, and raise your chin.

4. Diaphragmatic breathing

It's no secret that the way you breathe can make a huge difference when stress hits.

Diaphragmatic breathing, or deep belly breathing, is an easy and effective way to calm your body and mind. Instead of taking shallow breaths from your chest, this technique encourages you to breathe deeply from your belly, which helps activate your body’s natural relaxation response.

It’s a quick way to lower stress, sharpen your focus, and even improve your overall performance. To try diaphragmatic breathing, start by sitting or standing up straight. Inhale deeply through your nose, letting your belly expand as you fill your lungs with air.

Hold your breath for a few seconds, then slowly exhale through your mouth. The key is to make sure your exhale lasts longer than your inhale. This slow and controlled breathing prevents hyperventilation and allows your mind to reset.

Practicing this for just a few minutes daily can make a noticeable difference in handling stress. It’s simple, effective, and something you can do anytime, whether you’re at your desk or on the go.


5. Taking a magnesium bath

Now, we all know that taking a bath is one of the most relaxing things you can do. It releases oxytocin, the feel-good hormone, and lowers your blood pressure and levels of the stress hormone cortisol. But if you’re looking for a way to unwind that also boosts your body’s ability to handle stress, all it takes is one simple addition to optimize this classic method even further.


This essential mineral is a vital nutrient our bodies need to maintain good health, with a growing body of research suggesting it plays a key role in regulating stress responses, acting as the brakes that help us slow back down to normal.

The trouble is that stress also depletes your magnesium levels, making it a constant challenge to keep enough in your system. While foods like nuts, seeds, and leafy greens are good sources, it can be tough to get all you need from diet alone.

That’s why many people turn to oral supplements, but according to experts, even this may not be enough. It is thought that the best way to supplement could be through your skin, and that’s where a magnesium bath comes in. Simply adding magnesium flakes to your warm bath water could provide a more direct hit of this important mineral, while simultaneously soothing your muscles and calming your mind.

6. Stimulating the vagus nerve

The vagus nerve is one of the longest and most important nerves in your body, running from your brain down through your neck and into your abdomen. It plays a key role in the parasympathetic nervous system, which controls your “rest and digest” functions.

Stimulating the vagus nerve helps slow your heart rate, lower blood pressure, and bring your body back to calm after a stressful situation. One of the reasons why "deep breathing" is such an often-cited stress management technique is because it activates this nerve, but humming and gargling can also do the trick!

These activities create vibrations that stimulate the nerve, helping your body shift into a more relaxed state. Incorporating these quick techniques into your routine can help you manage stress before it spirals out of control.

7. Progressive muscle relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation is a simple yet highly effective technique for releasing built-up tension in your body. This method, often used by the military to reduce stress and improve sleep, involves tensing and then relaxing specific muscle groups, one at a time.

Start by focusing on one muscle group, like your shoulders. Tense those muscles for a few seconds, then slowly release them, paying attention to how your body feels as the tension melts away. Work your way through different areas of your body, from your neck and shoulders to your legs and feet.

As each muscle group relaxes, your body releases the physical tension that often accompanies stress. This technique eases muscle stiffness and triggers your parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for calming your body. It’s like giving your system a signal to slow down and unwind.

All it takes is a few minutes, and you’ll notice the difference in how your body feels. You can practice this anywhere—at your desk, before bed, or whenever you need a quick mental reset.


8. Cold exposure

Cold exposure might initially seem uncomfortable, but it’s a quick and effective way to lower stress levels.


Briefly exposing yourself to cold is another way to activate your vagus nerve, that key player in your parasympathetic nervous system.

A simple way to do this is by running cold water over your wrists or dripping it behind your ears or the neck region. These areas are home to major arteries, so cooling them down can help regulate your body temperature and ease tension quickly.

No need to jump into ice baths or freezing showers! Just a splash of cold water in the right spots can make a world of difference in how you feel. It’s a refreshing little hack that you can easily fit into your busy day, helping you de-stress without disrupting your flow.

9. Listening to this song

Music can have a powerful effect on our mood, but some songs take it one step further.

In 2012, British musicians Marconi Union teamed up with sound therapists to create a truly unique piece of music called Weightless, which has since been dubbed "the world's most relaxing song."

So, what makes this song so special?

Here's how it works: the song begins with a gentle rhythm of 60 beats per minute—the same pace as a resting heart rate. Gradually, the tempo slows down to about 50 beats per minute. As you listen, your heart rate naturally adjusts to sync up with the music.

The result? Lowered heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol levels, and up to a 65% reduction in anxiety.

10. Chewing gum

When stress creeps in, reaching for a piece of gum might not be the first thing that comes to mind. But have you ever noticed how football coaches often chew gum during intense games? There’s a good reason for that!

In one study, students who chewed gum before exams reported lower stress levels and achieved better scores. A 2016 research review also highlighted how chewing gum effectively reduces stress in both work and educational environments.

Here's the science behind it: chewing gum engages the prefrontal cortex—the part of your brain that processes stress—which helps regulate your body's stress response. It calms down the HPA axis and keeps the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in check, helping you feel more in control.

So, whether you’re gearing up for a big meeting or just trying to keep focused during a busy day, a simple piece of gum might be all you need to stay cool, calm, and collected.


What's the bottom line?

As a small business owner or entrepreneur, sadly, you’re no stranger to stress. With so much on your plate, finding time in your day for traditional stress-relief techniques can feel impossible.

The good news is that there are practical, evidence-based ways to handle stress that don’t require much time and can easily fit into your day. From simple breathing exercises to chewing gum or even listening to specific music, these unconventional stress management techniques can keep you calm and focused, even when the pressure is on.

Want to stress less each day?

When it comes to reducing stress as a business owner, it’s true what they say—prevention is better than cure.

According to experts, most entrepreneurial stress boils down to role overload. In other words, when the demands of your role exceed your time, energy, and capabilities to meet them.

It’s tough to be the leader your business needs when you're constantly stretched too thin, and this is why hiring a virtual assistant (VA) could be exactly what you need to escape the vicious cycle of stress.

Sure, all those repetitive admin tasks that fill up your to-do list still need to be done, but here’s the thing—they don’t need to be done by you. Fewer tasks on your plate means fewer things to worry about each day, and more freedom to focus on what matters most. And with a virtual assistant by your side, you can rest easy knowing that those admin tasks are ticking away in the background, safe in the hands of an experienced professional.

So, if you’re sick of feeling overwhelmed, Time etc is here for you.

Since 2007, our mission has been to help small business owners feel less stressed and more in control by matching them with the best virtual assistants for their unique needs.

We know just how full your plate is, so we’re ready to save you between three to six weeks of recruiting an assistant yourself (as well as up to 90% of the cost of hiring). Just speak to our expert team to get started, and we’ll handle the rest!

Or, you can answer a few simple questions to get personalized task recommendations tailored to your unique needs (as well as $150 off your first month of virtual assistant support with Time etc!)

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About the author

Barnaby Lashbrooke is the founder and CEO of Virtual Assistant service Time etc as well as the author of The Hard Work Myth, recently recommended by Sir Richard Branson. Barnaby is a Forbes Columnist on productivity and is also an accomplished entrepreneur, selling more than $35 million worth of services.

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